Accommodations in Skegness near Gibraltar Point (Skegness, United Kingdom)
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£48per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
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Gibraltar Point (Skegness, United Kingdom)
Gibraltar Point covers an area of coastline of around 5km and encompasses 430 hectares of land. It extends from the southern end of the resort of Skegness to the Wash Estuary. The area comprises of sand dunes, mud flats and shallow lagoons. It is a National Nature Reserve of both national and international importance. The reserve is managed by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust under a lease from its owners the Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey District Council. There are footpaths and observation hides across the reserve and also a large visitor centre with a café. Admission onto the reserve is free but there are car parking charges. The opening hours of the visitor centre is: Daily between 1st April and end October from 10am until 5pm and from 11am until 4pm outside this period.
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Gibraltar Road, PE24 4SU, Telephone: +44(1754)762677 | Fax: +44(1754)762350 | Official site