Accommodations in Blakeney near Blakeney National Nature Reserve (Blakeney, United Kingdom)
£160per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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£175per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Blakeney National Nature Reserve (Blakeney, United Kingdom)
Blakeney National Nature Reserve on the Norfolk coast is one of the largest stretches of unspoilt coastline in Europe. It’s attractions include a range of rare habitats such as saltmarsh, sand dunes and vegetated shingle beaches. It is an important breeding ground for colonies of sea-birds and attracts boatloads of tourists who come to see the colonies of grey seals and common seals who breed at Blakeney Point. Others enjoy the seascapes and sandy beaches and uninterrupted views. The reserve is open year round and the Lifeboat House (where public WCs are located along with an exhibition on the reserve) is open from 1st April to end of September. Some areas are closed to dog-walkers during breeding seasons and dogs are to be kept on leashes at all times.