Accommodations in Anstruther near Anstruther Harbour (Anstruther, United Kingdom)
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£149per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Anstruther Harbour (Anstruther, United Kingdom)
Anstruther Harbour is a working harbour serving pleasure yachts, cruise and excursion boats and small fishing vessles. This is a historical harbour which used to be a major centre of the herring fishing industry. Now the herring shoals are gone, the harbour serves mostly leisure craft. The harbour front is lined with colourful houses including the famous Anstruther Fish Bar. There are public toilets and a car park directly on the harbour front. The harbour has capacity for 100 craft with 8 reserved for visitors. Facilities include showers and ramps for disabled access.
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Harbour Office, KY10 3EA, Telephone: +44(1333)310836 | Fax: +44(1333)312591 | Official site