Accommodations in Berlin near Zoo Friedrichsfelde (Berlin, Germany)
£49per night
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£29per night
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£64per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
£82per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£55per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Zoo Friedrichsfelde (Berlin, Germany)
Zoo Friedrichsfelde houses more species than any other zoo in Germany and is the biggest zoo by size in Europe at 160 hectares. It is located in Tierpark and can be reached by U5 underground, M17 or 27 tram, 296 or 396 bus and by car, there is a car park on site. A train provides a 1 hour tour of the zoo during spring and summer. You can see the big cats being fed and elephants bathing during the day, check website for times. Other animals include bears, rhinoceroses, crocodiles, snakes and various species of birds. Facilities for visitors include a restaurant, toilets, a playground and a museum. The zoo is open at various times during the year so is best to check website for details. Admission : Adults 11 Euro, children 5.50 Euro, concessions 8 Euro, Family tickets and annual tickets can be purchased.
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Am Tierpark 125, 10307, Telephone: +49(30)51531110 | Fax: +49(30)5124061 | Official site