Accommodations in Scone near Scone Palace (Scone, United Kingdom)
£45per night
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£67per night
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£71per night
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Scone Palace (Scone, United Kingdom)
Fifteen hundred years ago, Scone was the capital of the Pictish kingdom and the centre of the ancient Celtic church. Later it has been the seat of parliaments and the crowning place of Kings. It has housed the Stone of Destiny and been described in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Located above the River Tay, the Palace overlooks the routes north to the Highlands and east through Strathmore to the coast. The Grampian mountains form a distant backdrop, and across the river stands the city of Perth. The attraction comprises of the Palace itself with its interiors, as well as extensive grounds with a cementery, maze, Pinetum, chapel and a replica of the Stone of Destiny, as well as some Highland Cattle and dwarf goats. There is a food and gift shop, cafe and children’s adventure playground. Opening Times: 1 April 2007 to 31 October daily 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. Last admission 5.00 pm. Grounds close at 6.00pm. Evening and winter tours by arrangement, but opens on Fridays out of season. The admission prices can be found on the website.
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Scone Palace, PH2 6BD, Telephone: +44(1738)552300 | Fax: +44(1738)552588 | Official site