Accommodations in Newcastle upon Tyne near Jesmond Dene (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
£84per night
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£53per night
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£33per night
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£62per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£47per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Jesmond Dene (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
The river Ouseburn flows through the narrow wooded Jesmond Dene on its way to the Tyne. It is home to a wide variety of native trees, shrubs and wildlife and stretches for three kilometres close to the centre of Newcastle. The park was created by Lord Armstrong with paths, waterfalls and a mill and was presented to the city in 1883. At one point the river is crossed by the old Ivy Bridge and the ruins of the Banqueting Hall are perched on top of the embankment. Within its boundary now is a children’s petting zoo, play areas, a boating lake, lawns with picnic area and pavillion. The visitor centre has a cafe and conference facilities. There is also a notable restaurant (The Fisherman’s Lodge) Open: 24 hours Parking: available around the visitor centre and on the approach to the Armstrong Bridge. Metro: West Jesmond Jesmond Dene is accessible by wheelchair
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Jesmond Dene, NE2 2EY, Telephone: +44(191)2328520 | Fax: +44(191)2114908 | Official site