Accommodations in Alnwick near Chillingham Castle (Alnwick, United Kingdom)
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Chillingham Castle (Alnwick, United Kingdom)
Located in Northumberland, it is claimed that this is the most haunted castle in England. It has featured in many films, most recently the film Elizabeth. Built in the 12th century as a stronghold, Chillingham Castle occupies a strategic position and became a fully fortified castle in the 14th century. The castle and grounds are open to the public and visitors are welcome to sample the medieval banquet Prices for visitors are: Adults: £6.75 Concessions: £5.50 Children: £3.00 Under 5’s: £1.00 Guided tours can also be arranged at £25 for a guide and there are also ghost tours available.
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Chillingham, NE66 5NJ, Telephone: +44(1688)215359 | Fax: +44(1668)215463 | Official site