Accommodations in Malton near Flamingo Land (Malton, United Kingdom)
£44per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£75per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£127per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Flamingo Land (Malton, United Kingdom)
Set in nearly 400 acres of parkland, the park has rides for all the family including extreme rides and rides suitable for young children. There are also many animals including giraffes, tigers, hippos, as well as several species of birds. At the park there are several cafes, restaurants and refreshment stalls. Other facilities on site are toilets which include disabled and baby changing. Flamingo land is open from 10am until 5pm or 6pm depending on the time of the year Entrance: Adult and children older than 4 £22, OAP/disabled £11 with concessions for families and groups.
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