Accommodations in Edinburgh near Arthur's Seat (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
£145per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£151per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£391per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Arthur's Seat (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Arthur’s Seat is the highest of a group of hills located in Holyrood Park in Edinburgh. The 820ft high peak was formed by an extinct volcano system that dates back around 350 million years and which was destroyed by glacier movement. Remains of ancient defence systems can be seen around Arthur’s Seat, some of which are believed to be prehistoric. It is not believed that the unusual name of the hill has any connection to King Arthur but much more that it derives from “Archer’s Seat” as the hill played an important role in defending the city during the Middle Ages. A climb up the hill will reward the visitor with unrivalled views over the city. Holyrood Park with its 650 acres is the largest park in Edinburgh and situated directly in the middle of the city. Apart from Arthur’s Seat it is also home to Holyrood Palace, the royal residence in Scotland, the ruin of the 15th century St. Anthony’s Chapel, the Salisbury Crags and several lochs. The new Scottish Parliament can be found opposite to the entrance at Holyrood Palace where also parking spaces are available. Admission is free.
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Holyrood Park, EH16 5BT, Telephone: +44(131)4733600 | Official site