Accommodations in Bristol near SS Great Britain (Bristol, United Kingdom)
£35per night
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£61per night
Expected price for:Nov 2024
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SS Great Britain (Bristol, United Kingdom)
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was the most prolific and most well known engineer of the Victorian age. He is remembered for railways, bridges and steamships. The SS Great Britain was his most technologically advanced design and was the world’s first iron-hulled, steam-powered ocean going ship. It was built in Bristol in 1843 and for the first two years plied its trade as a luxury transatlantic passenger liner. It was scuttled after damage in a storm in the Falkland Isles. Finally salvaged and brought back to Bristol in 1970 there have been 35 years of conservation and restoration. Now a museum, the ship has exhibits of life on board as a passenger and member of the crew. There is a reconstruction of a Victorian dockyard and educational programmes on the Life of Brunel. Open daily 10am - 5:30pm (April - October) 10am - 4:30pm (November - March) Closed December 18th, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Tickets Adult: £ 8.95 Senior: £ 6.95 Child, student: £ 4.95 There is parking nearby. The museum is accessible to people with disabilities and wheelchairs.
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Great Western Dockyard, BS1 6TY, Telephone: +44(117) 9291843 | Official site