Accommodations in Puerto de la Cruz near Loro Parque (Puerto de la Cruz, Spain)
£65per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£60per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£79per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Loro Parque (Puerto de la Cruz, Spain)
Loro Parque situated in the north of the island opened in 1972 and has grown to be over 135,000 square metres in size. There are many different types of animals here including land animals like gorillas, jaguars and tigers, airborne animals include flamingos and parrots, which put on a show. Whilst water animals include sea lions and dolphins which have a show, there are also penguins and orcas. In the aquarium there is a shark tunnel. There is lush vegetation throughout the park and one area is called the jungle and has carp filled pools. There are also the orchid garden, dragon tree garden and the cactus garden. The park has numerous restaurants and bars plus shops and a picnic area. A glass dome houses a cinema and is called Naturavision and Kinderlandia is set out like an African village for children to play, here you will find the Orca roller coaster. Loro Parque is open every day of the year 8.30 am-18.45pm and admission costs are: 31.50 euros for adults 20.50 euros for children 6- 11 Discovery tours give you a look behind the scenes.
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Avenida Loro Parque, 38400, Telephone: +34(922)373841 | Fax: +34(922)375021 | Official site