Accommodations in Lucerne near Lake Lucerne (Lucerne, Switzerland)
£131per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£149per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
£226per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£136per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£163per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Lake Lucerne (Lucerne, Switzerland)
Lake Lucerne is located in the heart of Europe, 50 kilometers south of Zurich and 90 kilometers east of Berne. The lake occupies the northern foothills of the Alps with Mount Rigi to the east and Mount Pilatus to the south. Apart from the canton of Lucerne, the lake borders also the cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden which is the old name for what is now two half-cantons in central Switzerland - Obwalden and Nidwalden. Lake Lucerne sits at 434 m above sea level and has a total area of 114 It’s total shoreline is approximately 144 km and it’s maximum width is 20 km. This makes Lucerne the fourth largest lake in Switzerland. Two rivers flow out of the lake - the Reuss and the Kleine Emme. The lake is a popular tourist destination with several resorts along its shores. Amongst entertainment options available at the lake are boat cruises served by 20 boats, of which 5 are paddle-steamers; a 35 km walkway, also known as the Swiss Path; mountain railways and scenic flights with permanently moored hot-air balloon (the Hi-Flyer).
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Werftestrasse, 6002, Telephone: +41(41)2271717 | Fax: +41(41)2271720 | Official site