Accommodations in Venice near Isola di Murano (Venice, Italy)
£88per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£203per night
Expected price for:Dec 2024
£99per night
Expected price for:Jan 2025
£97per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£139per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£393per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Isola di Murano (Venice, Italy)
Burano is the name given to a group of several small islands near Venice, however since these small islands are all linked together by bridges they are usually considered as a single island. It lies at the northern end of the Venetian lagoon, 7km from Venice, and can be easily accessed by the boat system. Approximately 4,000 people live on Burano and it has been inhabited since at least Roman times. Today, it is a major tourist attraction that is especially famous for its lacework and its brightly coloured houses. These houses follow a strict colour pattern and residents can only change the colour of their house by obtaining permission from the local Government. Amongst the popular attractions that visitors come to see here is a Museum and School of Lacemaking, where visitors can discover the history of Burano Lace. There is also has a 16th century church, the Church of San Martino, which has a leaning tower. Burano is a popular destination for artists and many locally famous artists either live or have a second home there.