Accommodations in Glasgow near Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
£132per night
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£64per night
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£92per night
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£71per night
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£55per night
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Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum re-opened in 2006 after being closed for refurbishment for three years. 1.9 million people visited in the first year of opening, putting it first among Scottish tourist attractions and making it the most visited museum in the United Kingdom outside of London. It has received five stars from Visit Scotland. The permanent collections comprise art, decorative arts, archaeology, natural history. The renovations gave the museum more usable space, and allowed the number of objects on display to double, from 4000 to 8000. Notable exhibits include objects and pieces of furniture by Charles Rennie MacKintosh, the main name of the Art-Nouveau movement in Glasgow, and the famous Christ of St John of the Cross by Salvador Dali. The building itself is built of red sandstone, the traditional building material in Glasgow which gives the city a lot of its character, in a Spanish Baroque style. It is located a few minutes away from the Kelvinhall underground station. Entry to the museum is free, as with all the museum belonging to the city of Glasgow. Opening times are available on the museum’s website.
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