Accommodations in Kingston-upon-Hull near Hull and East Riding Museum (Kingston-upon-Hull, United Kingdom)
£41per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
£102per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
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Hull and East Riding Museum (Kingston-upon-Hull, United Kingdom)
The Hull and East Riding Museum houses a large number of artefacts that tell the history of this part of Eastern England through the ages. There are Dinosaur bones and other articles that have been found on local archaeological digs, whilst the history of the people of this area is told through various displays that include a Roman Villa and an Iron Age Village. The Museum is only open to the public on Sundays and Mondays at the following times: Mondays from 10am until 5pm Sunday from 1.30pm until 5pm Entry is free.
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36 High Street, HU1 1NQ, Telephone: +44(1482)613902 | Fax: +44(1482)613913
Frequently Asked Questions about Hull and East Riding Museum
What makes Hull and East Riding Museum popular in Kingston-upon-Hull?
Hull and East Riding Museum is one of the top attractions in Kingston-upon-Hull, known for its unique features that attract numerous visitors each year.
What are some stays near Hull and East Riding Museum?