Accommodations in Thessaloniki near Hagia Sophia (Thessaloniki, Greece)
£79per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£163per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£104per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
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Hagia Sophia (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Church of Hagia Sofia (St. Sophia) is located in the center of Thessaloniki, in the middle of two roads. This Church is one of the oldest in the town. It is Included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Hagia Sophia was built at the site of an old religious complex. Today’s building was completed at the time of Leo III. Ornamentation mostly includes mosaics and lately added frescoes. The church itself was built with the idea to look like the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (Istanbul). From the time of Murad II, when Thessaloniki was under Ottoman rule, the building was used as a mosque. Since 1912 it was returned back to the Christian church.
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Agia Sophia Square , 54624, Telephone: +30(2310)270253 | Official site