Accommodations in Grasmere near Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum (Grasmere, United Kingdom)
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£159per night
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£145per night
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£99per night
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£135per night
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Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum (Grasmere, United Kingdom)
Poet William Wordsworth made his home at Dove Cottage in Grasmere at the beginning of the 1800s with his wife Mary, their three children and sister Dorothy and it was here that he was at his most productive. Originating in the early seventeenth century, the house is now a Grade 1 listed building and is administered by the Wordsworth Trust. The house and gardens are open to the public. Staff take visitors on a guided tour of the two storeys where the rooms have been decorated with the family’s household items, furniture and family possessions. The museum contains many of Wordsworth’s books, memorabilia and original manuscripts. The garden reproduces the “half wild state” which was created by Dorothy from local plants and materials. The book and gift shop is run by the Wordsworth Trust Opening hours 9:30am - 5:30pm (Daily) Closed over Christmas and during January Admission Adult: £6.20 Child: £3.90 There is parking in the village
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Dove Cottage, LA22 9SH, Telephone: +44(15394)35544 | Fax: +44(15394)35748
Hotels near Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum
Frequently Asked Questions about Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum
What makes Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum popular in Grasmere?
Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum is one of the top attractions in Grasmere, known for its unique features that attract numerous visitors each year.
What are some stays near Dove Cottage and The Wordsworth Museum?