Accommodations in Tenby near Carew Castle (Tenby, United Kingdom)
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£105per night
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£86per night
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Carew Castle (Tenby, United Kingdom)
Carew Castle, near Tenby, stands on a site which has been occupied for over 2000 years. Its strategic importance on a tidal estuary was recognised in Iron Age times, but what the visitor sees today are late medieval fortifications with later Tudor additions. The original Norman stone tower dating from 1100, called the “Old Tower”, still stands. From the 13th century are a hall, chapel and towers, while from the 14th century the remains of the Great Hall and gatehouse can be seen. The Tudor north front was added in the late 16th century and is considered a striking embellishment with its five great rooms, gallery and rows of mullioned windows. The Carew family owned it from the 12th to the 14th century and reacquired it in 1607. They still own it, but it is under the administration of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. The site also includes a tidal mill, with a huge 23 acre mill pond. The current mill buildings date from the 19th century although a mill has been operated by the tide here since the 16th century. There is parking, shops and a picnic area and the site is accessible to the disabled. Guided tours are available. For opening times see the website.
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Carew, SA70 8SL , Telephone: +44 (1646) 651782 | Fax: +44 (1646) 651782 | Official site