Accommodations in Cromer near Amazona Zoo (Cromer, United Kingdom)
£155per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£125per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
£79per night
Expected price for:Sept 2024
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Amazona Zoo (Cromer, United Kingdom)
Amazona Zoo is located in Cromer, Norfolk. The zoo is in the middle of Cromer where transport links are good by train or bus. From either the train station or a bus stop, a short walk is required to the zoo.For those arriving by car the parking is free. The zoo took two years to develop and has a South America theme which covers 10 acres of land. Amazona Zoo opened to the public in 2006. All animals at Amazona Zoo have been brought in from other zoos and not from the wild. The zoo has quite a large collection of animals such as a range of birds, large cats and monkeys. Visitors can witness the feeding of animals during certain times of the day which are advertised inside the zoo. Private photography tours are also available out of the zoos public opening hours. The zoo is open daily from April til November and is wheelchair friendly. There is a shop for souvenirs and a cafe which serves hot and cold food.
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